अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
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  • अनुसंधान सूची

अनुसंधान सूची

Clean Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Just Transition Centre funded by Stichting SED...

Coal, as the backbone of our economy, has weaved an intricate and complex web of socio-economic relations that stand threatened as India transitions t...

अधिक जानें
Clean Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Development of Electrochemical Biosensors for...

This project was aimed to develop smart phone based-electrochemical biosensors for analyzing steroid drugs especially hazardous estrogens (estrone E1,...

अधिक जानें
Clean Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Utilization of Coal Gangue to Develop Porous...

Carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) is a promising technique to mitigate global warming as we continue to gradually switch towards c...

अधिक जानें
Clean Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Prototype Development and Experimental...

Natural gas is considered as excellent alternate fuel due to its clean-burning characteristics and extensive availability. Its higher-octane rating en...

अधिक जानें
Clean Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Development of Indigenous Integrated Carbon...

CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, and its advers...

अधिक जानें
यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी

स्टील्थ जहाज में सुपरस्ट्रक्चर के ध्वनिरहित...

 PI: Prof. Shakti GuptaFlat plates/laminates are widely used in construction of various parts of superstructure of a stealth ship to scatter elec...

अधिक जानें
वांतरिक्ष अभियांत्रिकी

लघु फिक्स्ड विंग मानवरहित हवाई प्रणाली का विकास

PI: Professor A.K. Ghosh, Department of Aerospace EngineeringCo-PI: Professor Deepu Philip, Department of Industrial and Management EngineeringProfess...

अधिक जानें
सिविल अभियांत्रिकी

राष्ट्रीय कार्बोनेसियस एरोसोल कार्यक्रम (एनसीएपी...

PI: Prof. Tarun GuptaCo-PI: Prof. Anubha GoelCo-PI: Prof. Debajyoti PaulCarbonaceous aerosol emissions arise from energy use and the burning of forest...

अधिक जानें
रसायन अभियांत्रिकी

चयनात्मक कार्बन-डाइऑक्साइड अधिशोषण एवं अवशोषण के...

PI: Prof. Jayant K. Singh The escalating level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is one of the major pressing needs for efficient deployment of carbo...

अधिक जानें
कोविड-19 पर नवाचार

एनसीफ्लेक्सई में कोविड-19 के लिए स्क्रीनिंग तकनीक...

HITES, “A handheld Infrared thermometer with enhanced safety” developed at NCFlexE, IIT Kanpur enables temperature scanning to be carried out while ma...

अधिक जानें