अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन

भा.प्रौ.सं. कानपुर संकाय

आईआईटी कानपुर अपने उत्कृष्ट संकाय सदस्यों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, जो संस्थान के शैक्षिक परिदृश्य और अनुसंधान प्रयासों को आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। प्रतिभा को संवारने, नवीन सोच को बढ़ावा देने और अत्याधुनिक अनुसंधान करने के लिए समर्पित, आईआईटी कानपुर के संकाय में प्रतिष्ठित शिक्षाविद, शोधकर्ता और उद्योग विशेषज्ञ शामिल हैं।

विभाग एवं केंद्रों के अनुसार संकाय खोजें


अर्थशास्त्र विज्ञान

अजय कुमार

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Economic Sciences (Primary) and Mangement Sciences (Jointly)

अनुजित चक्रवर्ती

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

अन्ना डेविड थोट्टापिल्ली

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

आदित्य विक्रम

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

कुमार आलोक

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Economic Sciences

जॉयदीप दत्ता

Professor, Economics Sciences, Department of Economic Sciences

डेबायन पाकराशी

Associate Professor, Departement of Economic Sciences

तानिका चक्रवर्ती

Assistant Professor, Economics Group, Department of Economic Sciences

थिरुमुलानाथन धायपरन

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

दीप मुखर्जी

Associate Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

नीलांजन दत्त

Assistant Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

प्रवीण कुलश्रेष्ठ

Professor, Department of Economic Sciences

वांतरिक्ष अभियांत्रिकी

अजय विक्रम सिंह

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

अभिजीत कुशारी

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering


Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

अरुण कुमार पेरुमल

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

अर्नब समांता

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

आलकेश चंद्र मंडल

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

आशीष तिवारी

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

आशोक दे

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

एस कामले

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

कमल पोद्दार

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Aerospace Engineering

चन्द्रशेखर उपाध्याय

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

चैतन्य कुमार राव

Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

जैविक विज्ञान एवं जैव अभियांत्रिकी

अनुस्मिता साहू

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

अप्पू कुमार सिंह

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

अमिताभ बंद्योपाध्याय

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

अरुण कुमार शुक्ला

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

अर्जुन रामकृष्णन

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

अश्विनी कुमार ठाकुर

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

आशोक कुमार

Professor, Department of of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

जयंदरन गिरीधर राव

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

जोनकी सेन

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

दिव्येंदु कुमार दास

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

देबंजन दासगुप्ता

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

देबदीप दत्ता

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

रसायन अभियांत्रिकी

अनिमंग्सु घटक

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

अनुराग त्रिपाठी

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

अरिजीत बोस

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

आकाश चौधरी

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

आशुतोष शर्मा

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

इंद्रनिल सहा दलाल

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

इशान बजाज

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

के. पी. कृष्णराज

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

गौताम देव

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

जयन्त कुमार सिंह

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

डिपिन शशिधरन पिल्लई

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

नवीन तिवारी

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

सिविल अभियांत्रिकी

अनिमेष दास

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

अनुभा गोयल

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

अभिजीत जी. आर.

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

अभिषेक चौधरी

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

अमर नाथ रॉय चौधरी

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

अर्ग्या दास

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

आदित्य मेदुरी

Assistant Professor, Departement of Civil Engineering

आभास सिंह

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

ओंकार दीक्षित

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

गौरबानंद पहार

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

गौरव तिवारी

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

चिन्मय कोलाय

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

संगणक विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी

अंगशुमन कर्माकर

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

अनिल सेठ

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

अमितांगशु पाल

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

अमेय करकरे

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

अर्नब भट्टाचार्य

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

आदित्य वडापल्ली

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

आशुतोष मोदी

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

इंद्रनिल सहा

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

उर्बी चटर्जी

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

एम ए के पी सिंह

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

गुंजन कुमार

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

गौरव शर्मा

Visiting Assistant Professor, Departement of Computer Science and Engineering

विद्युत अभियांत्रिकी

अंकुश शर्मा

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अजीत कुमार चतुर्वेदी

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अनिमेश विश्वास

Professor, Departement of Electrical Engineering

अभिजीत मोहापात्रा

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अभिलाश पटेल

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

अभिषेक कुमार गुप्ता

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अमित वर्मा

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अर्नब बोस

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अविनाश लाहगरे

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

अश्विन कुमार रामकृष्णन शिवकुमार

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

आदित्य किरण जगन्नाथम

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

आद्रिश बनर्जी

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

पदार्थ विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी

अनिश उपाध्याय

Professor, Department of MSE

अमरेंद्र कुमार सिंह

Professor, Department of MSE

अरुणाभ मेश्राम

Assistant Professor, Department of MSE

आनशु गौर

Associate Professor, Department of MSE

कल्लोल मंडल

Professor, Department of MSE

कांतेश बलानी

Professor, Department of MSE

कृष्णानु बिस्वास

Professor, Department of MSE

कौस्तुभ नरहर कुलकर्णी

Professor, Department of MSE

तानमय मैती

Professor, Department of MSE

दीपक गुप्ता

Professor, Department of MSE

निलेश प्रकाश गुराओ

Professor, Department of MSE

नीरज मोहन चावके

Assistant Professor, Department of MSE

प्रबंधन विज्ञान

अजय कुमार

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Economic Sciences (Primary) and Mangement Sciences (Jointly)

अनूप सिंह

Professor, Department of Management Sciences

अभिनव त्रिपाठी

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

अमित शुक्ला

Associate Professor, Department of Management Sciences

अविजीत खानरा

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences


Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Management Sciences

गिरिधर विशलवथ

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

जितेंद्र कुमार

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

ज्योत्सना राजन

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

दीपू फिलिप

Professor, Department of Management Sciences

देवलिना चटर्जी

Associate Professor, Department of Management Sciences

निवेदिता भक्त

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी

अखिलेश मिमानी

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अनिंद्य चटर्जी

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अनिकेश पाल

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अनुपम सक्सेना

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अनुराग गुप्ता

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अभिषेक सरकार

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अरविंद कुमार

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अरुण के. साहा

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

अविनाश कुमार अग्रवाल

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

आदित्य सौरभ

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

आशीष दत्ता

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

ईशान शर्मा

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

सतत ऊर्जा अभियांत्रिकी

अंकुर अवधिया

Visiting Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

अन्ना अग्रवाल

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

अमरेंद्र एडपुगंती

Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE)

अरुणावो मुखर्जी

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

आकाश चंद राय

Associate Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE)

आशीष गर्ग

Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

इंदु शेखर चतुवेर्दी

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

गुरुदास नुलकर

Visiting Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

दीपिका स्वामी

Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

नवनीत चड्ढा

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

पुलिकेल एम. अजयन

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

प्रबोध बाजपेयी

Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE)


अमर कुमार बेहरा

Associate Professor, Department of Design

कौमुदी प्रकाश पाटिल

Associate Professor, Department of Design

गौधम प्रभाकर पी.जी.

Assistant Professor, Department of Design

जनकराजन रामकुमार

Professor, Department of Design

नचिकेता तिवारी

Professor, Department of Design

मैनक दास

Associate Professor, Department of Design

राज गोपाल मेनन

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Design

विवेक कांत

Associate Professor, Department of Design

सत्यकी रॉय

Professor, Department of Design

सौर्य जोयी दे

Assistant Professor, Department of Design

मानविकी और सामाजिक विज्ञान

अनिंदिता चक्रवर्ती

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

ईशा चट्टर्जी

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

उषा उदार

Assistant Professor , Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

कुमार रवि प्रिया

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

गुरुमूर्ति नीलकांतन

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

चिन्मय विजय धारुरकर

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

चैतृ पुट्टास्वामी

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

जिलेट सारा सैम

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

थंगमणि रविचंद्रन

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

थौनाोजाम सोमोकेनता

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

प्रदीप स्वर्णकार

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

प्रशांत बालचंद्र बागड़

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

अन्तर विषय कार्यक्रम
पदार्थ विज्ञान कार्यक्रम

अमित वर्मा

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

आशुतोष शर्मा

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

कमल कृष्ण कर

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

प्रीतम चक्रवर्ती

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

मोहम्द जलील अख्तर

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

यशोवंता नारायण महापात्र

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Physics

योगेश मोरेश्वर जोशी

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

राज गणेश संथाराम पाला

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

राजीव गुप्ता

Professor, Department of Physics

श्री शिवकुमार

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

सिद्धार्थ पांडा

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

नाभिकीय अभियांत्रिकी एंव प्रौद्योगिकी

पंकज वाही

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

राज गणेश संथाराम पाला

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

फोटोनिक्स विज्ञान एंव अभियांत्रिकी कार्यक्रम

कृष्णमूर्ति मुरलीधर

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering

देबब्रत गोस्वामी

Professor, Department of Chemistry

नरेन नाइक

Professor, Departement of Electrical Engineering

प्रतीक सेन

Professor, Department of Chemistry

प्रदीप कुमार कृष्णमूर्ति

Professor, Departement of Electrical Engineering

प्रदीप्ता कुमार पाणिग्रही

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

भारत लोहरी

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

मोहमद इब्राहीम शुगरनो

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

राजशेखर गन्नावरपु

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

रामाराव विजया

Professor, Department of Physics

शिल्पी गुप्ता

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

सपम रंजीत चानू

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

गंगवाल स्कूल ऑफ मेडिकल साइंसेज एंड टेक्नोलॉजी

कृष्णन गणपति

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology

नाज़नीन अज़ीज़

Visiting Professor, Department of Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology

प्रताप एस खानविलकर

Visiting Professor of Practice, Department of Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology

प्रो जयदीप श्रीवास्तव

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology

रिचर्ड एंथोनी स्ट्रगनेल

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology

रसायनिक विभाग

अनंतराज सेंगेनी

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

अप्पाराव द्रक्षरापु

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

अमलेन्दु चन्द्रा

Professor, Department of Chemistry

अर्नब घोष

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

आनंद सिंह

Professor, Department of Chemistry

आनंदरमण गणपति

Professor, Department of Chemistry

आशीष कुमार पात्रा

Professor, Department of Chemistry

कंकण भट्टाचार्य

Senior Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry

गुरुनाथ रामानाथन

Professor, Department of Chemistry

जरुगु नरसिम्हा मूर्ति

Professor, Department of Chemistry

जीतेन्द्र कुमार बेरा

Professor, Department of Chemistry

टी. जी. गोपकुमार

Professor, Department of Chemistry

संज्ञात्मक विज्ञान

अन्वेष्णा श्रीवास्तव

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

आर्क वर्मा

Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

जोनकी सेन

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering (BSBE)

देवप्रिया कुमार

Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

नारायणन श्रीनिवासन


नितिन गुप्ता

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering (BSBE)

निशीथ श्रीवास्तव

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

प्रगति पी. बालासुब्रमणि

Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

रविशंकर सरमा अय्यादेवरा

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

शारिका के.एम.

Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Science

हरीश कर्णिक

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

हिमांशु यादव

Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Science

अंतरिक्ष, ग्रह एवं खगोलीय विज्ञान एवं अभियांत्रिकी

अजीत केम्भवी

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

अमितेश उमर

Associate Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

अविनाश ए. देशपांडे

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

कुणाल प्रकाश मुले

Assistant Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering


Visiting Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

पंकज जैन

Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

प्रशांत पाठक

Assistant Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

यामिनी जांगिड़

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

रोहित शर्मा

Assistant Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

शरवरी नाडकर्णी घोष

Assistant Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

सौम्यब्रत चक्रवर्ती

Professor of Practice, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

हिरोकी कत्सुरागी

Visiting Professor, Department of Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering

पृथ्वी विज्ञान

अनिमेष मंडल

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Science

अनुपम बनर्जी

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

अमर अग्रवाल

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Science

इंद्र सेखर सेन

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Science

ईश्वर कुमार कुक्केमने

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

गोविंदराव बोड्डेपल्ली

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Science

जावेद नूरमोहम्मद मलिक

Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

तजदारुल हसन सैयद

Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

थुपस्तान अंगचुक

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

दिबाकर घोषाल

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences

दीपक ढिंगरा

Associate Professor, Department of Earth Science

दीपा मेले विदु

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Science

गणित एवं सांख्यिकी

अजय सिंह रामदीन ठाकुर

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

अपर्णा दार

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

अभिजीत पाल

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

अमित मित्रा

Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

अमित शेखर कुबेर

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

अरिजीत गांगुली

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

अर्नब हाजरा

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

आकाश आनंद

Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

आदिमूर्ति आदि

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

आलोक कुमार मालू

Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

आशीष मंडल

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

इंद्रानिल चौधरी

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

भौतिक विज्ञान

अंजन कुमार गुप्ता

Professor, Department of Physics

अप्रतिम कविराज

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

अमित कुमार अग्रवाल

Professor, Department of Physics

अरीजित कुंडू

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

अर्जुन बागची

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

अविनाश सिंह

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Physics

आदित्य हेमचंद्र केलकर

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

आधिप अगरवाला

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

आनंद कुमार झा

Professor, Department of Physics


Professor, Department of Physics

कोचेरी परमपन्न राजीव

Professor, Department of Physics

कौशिक पाल

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics